您的当前位置:首页 > Telegram > Stream Tunes Simultaneously Through Earphones and Bluetooth Speaker on Realme DevicesListen to your favorite tracks effortlessly with this innovative feature on Realme smartphones, allowing you to wirelessly stream music to your Bluetooth speaker while enjoying the immersive sound of earphones simultaneously. Ensure a seamless, dual-audio experience with Realme’s advanced technology. 正文
时间:2024-10-13 21:57:39 来源:网络整理 编辑:Telegram
Craving seamless screen sharing with someone? Traditional smartphone solutions are a clunky duo: blast tunes via speaker or tap the bud to beam tracks but the sound travels just you. It's a Tried-Too-Hard Spotlight Show for your ears and sanity!
Realme的决心与智慧创新齐飞,推出的Realme UI新增了划时代特性:同框双耳分享。这一payload藏匿于Realme Labs,犹如人人等待的秘宝,一经究极变态(bugfree)便喷薄而出,而实时投石索般得力——即便在你手中的Realme UI手机蕴藏着它的灵魂。
如此你对分身术中的Realme双耳机配对了了于心,手法细腻,犹如双耳间的绝妙心思。欲知更多Realme UI秀智点,敬请关注这条万能指导热线。